Friday, March 7, 2014

Magazine Cover

This is my magazine Cover and how I made it was I started with my eyes and used the ellipse tool to make them next I used the White Sub selection tool and shaped my eyes. Next I made the Color by making a circle and adding the gradient pattern Folds. Next i made the pupil with a black circle and added a white circle to it to give the eyes life. Next I made the eyelashes by using the line tool and the free form tool. Next I made my head, nose, eyebrows, lips and, hair. To make my head I used the circle tool and and the sub selection tool to reshape my head. For my nose I used the line tool and the free form tool and shaped the lines into a nose. For my eyebrows I used the rectangle tool and reshaped them to look like eyebrows. For my lips I used the paintbrush tool to make the shape next I used the line tool and made space between the lips. For my hair used the paintbrush tool on the top of my head and changed the color to brown. Next I made My torso and arms. To make the torso I used the ellipse tool and shaped into a torso. Next I used the rectangle tool and the circle tool to make my arms and hands. Finally I made the Mic with the rectangle tool and the ellipse tool. Now for the Magazine Cover. To make the Rolling Stone Logo I used the font Brush script Std and added a solid shadow and a drop shadow. Then I Changed the color to red with a white outline. Next I made all the headlines using different fonts.